Verse I
Astute students who stupid start smoking students.
Then, point to their pale complexion as if it is restitution.
Confiding only in camel dicks or cancer sticks.
They puffed and pissed on all the peasants who pretended to give a shit.
Please carefully cradle these fragile fiddles who fuck with riddles.
For any friction will surely cause a new addiction.
They’ve made a faction, and with the passion have sprung to action.
Taking matters into their hands to meet demands.
These fucking haters with brains bad like Chili’s waiters will come to realize, these kids mad, kinda like a hatter.
And though they’d rather spend hours burning, till brains scatter.
It doesn’t matter, they’re replacing thoughts of brain splatters.
These fucking teens with no sense it fucking seems, done Built schemes while listening to Billie Jean.
You’ve never seen kids so mean in denim jeans.
When actually a lil love and care was all they need.
These adolescents who missed the message don’t fucking to mess with, will stomp your brains out on payments in the
name of mayhem.
And though its tragic, they’ve built a padlock, within their attic, and now they’ve had it and coming at it, fully automatic.
Like dope fiends itching, we always listened to all your bitching.
Now in the kitchen, degrees a million to fuck the system.
You wouldn’t listen and wasn’t looking so now we missing.
And all them kids you never thought of, are all forgotten.
Verse II
Where all the kids who started riots, they all forgotten.
Where all the kids on keto diets, they live in Austin.
No crystal balls to tell it all, they’ll have to follow in the footsteps of grown childs who dropped the ball.
But who am I to tell the tale of how to hail.
The one who fails but has a dream he will prevail.
Been spoon fed a life led by regular asses yet wouldn’t have it and wasn’t walking among the masses.
Feels riveting when takin in the puffs of sin.
Where all my kin, who always been without a friend.
Don’t take a stand, don’t raise a hand, I got a plan to break you out of the shackles you tied up in.
I’ll find who missing. The ones that’s kissing the streams that’s pissing on all my children with fucked up visions and
definitions of what’s the mission and no intentions of falling into this bogus system with all the bitches, who barely raised
Been sleep a walking and never talking from fear of bosses.
Now waking up, we’ve had enough you fucking sausage.
May fall on faces, but steady paces will finish races.
Then, all them kids you never thought of aren’t all forgotten.
Breonna Taylor
Elijah McLain
Lavena Johnson
Amani Kildea
Kendrick Johnson
And so many many more, you are not forgotten.
Onuora, a third-year Creative Writing major, has recently begun their journey down the path of artistry. Their interests as a creator include music, poetry, film, television, comics, theatre, and fiction. One day Onuora will impact all these fields as a performer and writer and eventually own and operate their own multi-media production company. You can find them on SoundCloud, Twitter, and Instagram @uhnewaura.
Header Image by Kyle Cleveland (Unsplash)