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Submissions for Volume 22 are currently OPEN and will close  March 8th, 2024.

Thank you for considering Thread Magazine as a potential home for your work.

Before submitting, please read our submission guidelines carefully. Submissions that fail to follow guidelines will unfortunately not be accepted.

General Submission Guidelines

  • We only accept work from University of South Florida undergraduate students. All majors in any year from any of the USF campuses are welcome to submit.

  • You are welcome to submit to our magazine every year, regardless of whether or not you’ve been published by us in the past. However, please do not send us work you have submitted to us before, whether it was rejected or not.

  • We review submissions on a rolling basis throughout the fall semester, and do not send out decisions until January. As such, please do not query about the status of your submission, unless you have not heard from us by February.

  • We accept fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, art, photography, music, comics, and plays/screenplays. Our genre-specific guidelines are outlined below.

  • Please only submit one (1) piece per entry. Please do not place multiple pieces in the same document. We review each piece separately. You may submit across multiple genres, and you may submit to each genre as many as times as permitted, according to the genre-specific guidelines below.

  • We allow students to be published under a pen name, to accommodate unique circumstances and identities. You must still submit under your legal name, so we can verify your student status, but there will be a slot on the forms to input a pen name if you wish to utilize that option.

  • We allow simultaneous submissions, but please withdraw your submission immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. We do not accept previously published work (personal social media/blogs are fine).




Genre-Specific Guidelines


  • Submit 1-2 fiction pieces, not exceeding 10 pages each.

  • We welcome micro fiction, flash fiction, short stories, and hybrid/experimental work. Do not send us novel excerpts.

  • ​Double-spaced, 12pt. Times New Roman, sent as a Word document.


Creative Nonfiction

  • Submit 1-2 creative nonfiction pieces, not exceeding 10 pages each.

  • For creative nonfiction, we consider personal narratives only. Do not send us academic writing.

  • We welcome micro, flash, and hybrid/experimental work.

  • ​Double-spaced, 12pt. Times New Roman, sent as a Word document.



  • Submit 1-4 poems, not exceeding 2 pages each. ​

  • We consider all kinds of poetry, including but not limited to form, free verse, experimental, prose, and hybrid work.​

  • Please single-space all poems using 12pt. Times New Roman, uploaded as a Word document (or PDF for poems with special forms/layouts, to ensure it is viewed correctly).



  • Submit 1-4 art or photography pieces. You may submit any combination of art and photography, as long as the total number of images you are submitting does not exceed 4.​



  • Submit 1-2 music pieces, not exceeding 5 minutes each.

  • ​Songs (music with sung words) must be accompanied by lyrics (PDF, single-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman).​​

  • Instrumentals must be accompanied by sheet music.



  • Submit 1-2 plays or screenplays, not exceeding 10 pages each, excluding the cover page.

  • Please employ proper play or screenplay format.



  • Submit 1-2 comics, not exceeding 10 pages each.

  • Please ensure your comic is legible.

We do not tolerate

work that contains, enables, or glorifies racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, misogyny, ableism, sexual assault, etc., as well as any other inappropriate and offensive content, such as gratuitous violence, sex, etc. Additionally, we do not tolerate plagiarism. Students found guilty of plagiarism will be blacklisted and will not be permitted to submit to us again. If you suspect a contributor has plagiarized yours or another individual’s work, please donhesitate to reach out to us with your concerns.

Terms & Conditions

By submitting to our print magazine, you are agreeing to allow your work to be subjected to minor editing (line level, grammar, clarity, etc.) upon acceptance if needed. We retain First Serial Rightsyour work must be previously unpublished and not have appeared in its entirety online or in print in another publication, but personal social media/blogs are fine. All rights revert back to you after publication. We kindly ask that if your work is republished elsewhere that it is credited as having first appeared in Thread Magazine. We retain nonexclusive archival rights.

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