The world’s gone topsy-turvy, a sea change rearranged for you.
I kneel, chapfallen, an enthralling tango for two —
Was Cupid’s gut stab meant for me?
To screech in trenchant harmony,
your throat’s violin, hitting the jugular chord.
I stare into myself through the executioner’s sword,
our love byzantine up to the guillotine when
I lost my footing and tumbled through neon clouds,
grasping for your hand but only slicing my palm.
Though, there’s no place on Earth I’d rather be,
than recounting your freckles in crestfallen misery.
Shiv Trivedi began his time in USF pursuing a degree he didn’t want. Psychology seemed interesting, but he always took time to help friends and strangers alike find their writing voices and master the wonderful diction and beautiful voices lying dormant in all of us. Now majoring in English, he works diligently to get his three current novels represented by an agent while still helping friends find their voices through countless fictional worlds.
Header Image by Nathan Dumlao (Unsplash)